What are the issues that are of most concern to you, or that you need information on at this point in your life? Is it making sure that your assets are allocated appropriately, that the assets are going to be there when you need them, and accessed in a tax-efficient way. Do you know you have the right amount of insurance to address the priorities of your family or your estate? Regarding taxes, is it important to you to reduce, defer or eliminate taxes? All of these items are discussed in our comprehensive review process.
As you look at those specific areas, are you getting the level of service that you feel is appropriate to meet your ongoing needs? Our compressive process will give you the information to make precise and informed decisions.
Are you addressing the issues that will improve your business now and in the future? Items such as how to incentivize key people in your organization, how to use the business to improve your personal situation, how to reduce your cost of capital, and is the business properly insured in the event of a catastrophe? These are matters that we deal with to help you to improve your current business environment.
Have you developed your plan for the transition of the business? What will best fit your goals: Have existing employees buy the business; Sell the business while you are living; Or sell after you are gone. All of these details help to address the successful transition of a business.